Water Sports
Pool Activities
Wicosuta’s heated pool is centrally located and always busy! Daily swim lessons, based on the American Red Cross’ Learn to Swim program, are mandatory for girls who have completed Grades 1-4. We use the pool in the evening, as well, to host age-group pool parties!
Waterfront Activities
Located on Newfound Lake, recognized as one of the cleanest and clearest lakes in America, our waterfront boasts a white sand beach with a gradual incline into the water. Girls enjoy the crystal-clear water and being able to see the bottom of the lake from almost any vantage point.
Note: All Pool and Waterfront Staff are annually certified as lifeguards by the American Red Cross.

I tried waterskiing and I had never done that before. I stood up for 7 seconds and it was awesome!

I tried waterskiing and I had never done that before. I stood up for 7 seconds and it was awesome!