Coo: 4th Grade

based on current grade
Daily Schedule

The Coo schedule is a combination of age group-wide activities and individual electives. Coos participate in swim instruction, tennis and waterfront as a group.  The rest of each camper’s schedule is determined by requests sent to us before camp.

Evening Activities

Coo’s  participate in a variety of evening activities as a group and with the whole camp. They participate in all of the Lower Camp Hits: Candy Horse Races, Monster Mash and Gold Rush. They also have the opportunity to try some new Evening Activities like Waterfront at night and Kinetic Knowledge Bowl

Off-Camp Program

Campers participate in two Trip Days with their age group. They may also choose to participate in day hikes off-site to explore New Hampshire. Inter-camp competitions are available in some activities like swim, soccer, tennis and gymnastics for example.

Community Leadership

Returning Coo campers may sign up to be Big Sisters to first-time campers.

  • Daily Swim Instruction
  • This is the first summer that campers may request and choose their activities at Wico. Coos love the additional choice that is a part of their daily schedule!
  • Coos also have the opportunity to try out for a part in the Lower Camp Show if they are interested.
  • Optional Overnights at the Wico Wilderness