The Shalane Effect, it will inspire you.
30 10 18
Carly Meltzer
It will move you.
With the New York City Marathon approaching (November 4th), I thought this article on last year’s female winner- Shalane Flanagan was relevant. Shalane’s story is one of thousand of marathoners that will (as the TCS tag-lines say) energize you and inspire you.
If you aren’t familiar with her story, or don’t follow running-you should be aware she was the first American woman to win the race in 40 years! Her victory was an amazing accomplishment for the sport and for U.S athletes.
The article really focuses on Shalane and who she is as a teammate, and professional athlete. When Shalane became a professional runner, there was not much of a community, especially with other female runners. The “way it had always been” was to train hard and by yourself, competing with others around you.
Unlike those before her, Shalane approached her sport differently. She helped create “a team of professional female distance runners who would train together and push one another to striking collective success”.
Nurture and Promote
Something that really struck a cord with me, was how the article claims “perhaps Flanagan’s bigger accomplishment lies in nurturing and promoting the rising talent around her”. To me, this nurturing and promoting each other is what our campers and staff do at Wicosuta.
Enjoy the article, and learning more about Shalane. She might not be a Wico girl, but this certainly is a story of Confidence, Competence and Community!